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How To Do Keyword Research Like A Pro

How To Do Keyword Research Like A Pro

Do Keyword Research With Mahbub Osmane

Keyword research is very important for SEO or search engine marketing or You can say, keyword research is the foundation of SEO. In the web, everything starts with what words you type in the search bar.

To get right kind of visitor you have to do proper keyword research. In this post I am going to discuss Types of keyword, Why Keyword Research, Keyword optimization opportunities, Keyword Research Checklist for optimizing a web page, Keyword Research Methodology, Keywords Analysis Tools, Keyword Competition Analysis, How To Do Keyword Research, Tips For Finalizing Your Keyword List, Preparation of using keywords on site.


What is Keyword?

šKeywords are describing words or phrases that are divided by commas and added to the web pages. While, describing words and phrases attached to the web pages, unseen to the visitors are known as Meta tags and consist of Description. Know more about keyword from techopedia See Advanced Meta Tag Generator & Google Search Results Preview

Types of keyword

There are different types of the keywords, before starting your keyword research journey you have to know about different kind of keywords. Let’s know the different types of keywords with their definition.

General keywords or More specific keywords

A General or More specific keyword, in the context of SEO, is a particular word or phrase that represent the contents of a Web page. It’s a sum up an entire page. Keywords help search engines match a web page to with an accurate search query it is also a part of a Web page’s metadata.

Seed Keywords

Seed keywords are ground or principle or foundation keywords for SEO.

šLong tail keywords

Long tail keywords are those 3 and 4 keyword phrases which are very, very particular about anything you are selling. You see, when a consumer uses a highly specific search terms, they tend to be looking for specifically what they are going to purchase.

Informative keywords

Informational keywords as “keywords that cover a large topic for which there may be thousands of related results. An informative keyword means that the readers are searching for keywords that are informative to them but are not necessary for in purchase of an object.

Buying keywords

Buying keywords are keyword phrases that people type into a search engine with the purpose of performing a purchasing action.

Branded Non-branded keywords

Branded keywords are the search terms or keyword phrases that incorporate the brand name or a variation of the brand or company name. A nonbranded keyword is a keyword that does not exist the target website’s brand name or something variation (i.e. domain name or misspelling)

Broad Match Keywords

Broad Match is one of the keywords matching options offered by Microsoft Ad Center and Google AdWords and Yahoo! Offers the same matching option known as Advanced Match. Learn More.

Geographical Keywords

Geographical terms are words or phrases which describe and identify natural phenomenon’s, geographical locations, spatial dimension and natural resources.

Misspelled keywords

Many people have difficulty spelling, they do typing mistakes when to enter the keywords or simply type words in a different way, for example, the word “color” in the US is written as “Colour” in Australia. Learn More Use Typo Generator Tool to generate misspelled Keywords.

šSeasonal keywords

Eid Ut Fitr, Eid Ul Adha, Back-to-school, Black Friday, Cyber Monday. Winter Jacket and so on.

Meta Keywords

Meta Keywords are a particular type of meta tag that seems in the HTML code of a page and helps search engines what the topic of the page is.

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)

LSI Keywords are keywords that are semantically associated with your main keyword.

Why SEO’s Do Keyword Research?

SEO’s do keyword research for many reasons. I have pointed out some important reasons below:

  • šKeyword research is a key to almost everything you do online.
  • Web pages that rank highly in search engine always have the right keyword strategy.
  • The First Step is Acceptance and Research Your Audience
  • Keyword Research Uncovers Secret Opportunities
  • Keyword Research Saves capital
  • SEO’s do keyword research To Analyze Their Competitors
  • šKeyword research To Expand Their Keyword List

šRede more about the importance of Keyword Research also Click Here to know more details about beginning label Keyword research.

How to Find Seed Keywords?

A seed keyword list is your primary set of keyword ideas. Follow four steps to get the seed keywords from any industry.

1. Analysis your audience. What words does your audience use to define your products or services? What other related terms do they use in their daily lives? Look at blog posts, question-answer site, comments, forums, LinkedIn groups, and your support requests.

2. Find the search words in use now. Use Google Webmaster tools, your analytics tool, and your weblogs to see what search words people are using to get to you. If you have entrance to data on your inside site search, look at those words to see what people are looking for.

3. Get some recommendations. Soovle is a website that lets you enter a keyword and recognize what the top autocompletes are a number of various search engines and other sites. It’s not deserving running every keyword through Soovle, but you might try a couple to see if you missed anything.

4. Check out the competition. Tools such as SpyFu or SEM Rush let you see what competitors are bidding on. As with Soovle, there’s no need to spend hours on these sites. But it can be helpful to put in a few competitor names or key terms to see if there’s anything you didn’t think of.How to Expand Seed Keywords

Seed Keyword list is done. Now you have to Expand Seed Keywords. Read This guideline to expand your list.


Keyword optimization opportunities

  • šSee the opportunities when you do site audit and start Adding Keywords to Your Site
  • In Titles, Descriptions, Meta description, Meta keywords
  • Headings, Content, Image file names, Alt Text
  • šURLs, Internal and external links

Read Details about “Keyword optimization & opportunities” also, you can be interested to read about “How to successfully optimize a page for over 10,000 keywords.”


Keyword Research Checklist for optimizing a web page

  • Start with a keyword strategy for your whole site
  • Plan a structure for your site’s content
  • Choose primary and secondary target keywords
  • Enter your target keywords into Wordtracker to find long tail keywords, similar keywords, and related keywords. Take a free 7-day trial here.
  • Write natural copy, focused on one subject, using singular, plural, similar (in meaning) and related (associated with) keywords.
  • Page title tag.
  • Description tag.
  • Headlines.
  • Sub-headlines.
  • Internal outbound links (to other pages on your site).
  • External outbound links (to other sites).
  • Image names and alt tags.
  • Internal inbound links from related pages and your home page.
  • External inbound links from other sites.

Read this exclusive 12 Steps To Optimize A Webpage For Organic Keywords

How To Do Keyword Research / Methodology

  • šMake a list of important, relevant topics based on what you know about your business.
  • šFill in those topic buckets with keywords.
  • Research related search terms.
  • šCheck for a mix of head terms and long-tail keywords in each bucket.
  • šSee how competitors are ranking for these keywords.
  • Use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner (or HubSpot’s Keywords App) to cut down your keyword list.

If you are a beginner, you will get a details guide written by HubSpot and search engine watch describe it very easily.

Keywords Analysis Tools


How to Analyze Your Competition


To analyze your competitors, you have to follow following steps:

  • First Step: Install SEQuake and MozBar
  • Check PageRank and Page Authority
  •  See Domain Authority and Brand Presence
  • See Link Profile
  • Check On-Page SEO
  • Then You Have To Check Content Quality.

To complete above steps just visit “Keyword Competition Analysis” written by “backlinko

There are some Free Tools for Competitor Keyword Research. Four tools are most popular.

  1. Open Site Explorer.
  2. Google AdWords Keyword Tool.
  3. SEMRush
  4. Alexa

Additional Info For Doing Competitive Keyword Analysis.

  • Seek Out Your Competitors: Do it using Long Tail Pro or SEMrush
  • Know What They Know
  • Explore Their Territory
  • Expand Your Territory
  • Fortify The Margins
  • Apply Your Findings
  • Onward To Victory! Know Details about Additional Info For Doing Competitive Keyword Analysis. Also, read to know about negative keywords benefits for the Ad campaign.

How To Research Long Tail Keywords


To Research Long Tail Keywords follow following steps:

How to Judge the Value of a Keyword


You can judge the value of keyword by practicing four methods; the rules are as follows:
  • Google Analytics Data
  • Ask Yourself Some Tough Questions
  • Analyzing Competitors’ Successful Keywords
  • Test Your PPC Campaign. Read it details in SEMrush blog

Long Tail Keywords Using SEMRush Or LTP


šRead this awesome guideline or watch this video [su_youtube url=”″] to get longtail keyword using SEMrush. For Long Tail Pro, Read this guideline.

e-Commerce Keyword Research


To do E-Commerce Keyword Research, ask yourself following questions

  • What are people searching for to find your products/services?
  • šHow are the products described on the website?
  • Are products described on the website?
  • šHow people describe your products both online and offline?
  • šIn which way sales and marketing people describe and sell your products?
  • šHow people naturally link out to you (i.e. anchor text of the incoming links)?
  • šIn which way competitors describe their products?
  • šUnderstanding searchers’ intent and capturing it in the early stage of the buying cycle.


Here you will get details about e-Commerce Keyword Research. Also, read best 5 Tips for Dominating Your E-Commerce Keyword Research. Maximizing e-Commerce Keywords, read this article.

Localized Keyword Research


Localized Keyword Research can be done in two way:

  1. Using Adwords Keyword Planner
  2. Using Google Trends

Adwords Keyword Planner is best For Local SEO Keyword Research. Read Moz post about it. How to do it Using Google Trends read it HERE. Also, There is a local keyword research tool  (Only for USA 🙁 ).

Tips For Finalizing Your Keyword List


  • šTarget keyword phrases instead of targeting a single keyword
  • šUse specifically targeted terms within the inner pages of your site rather than the homepage.
  • šThere are three criteria’s for picking a keyword that is relevancy, traffic, and conversion. Pick the one which satisfies all these criteria’s.
  • šUse multiple keyword tools instead of relying on a single tool.
  • šUse keyword research to find out what topics you should write about and what phrases you should use while writing.


How to Write Great Content Based On Keywords


watch the video to know it[su_youtube url=””] more tips on web content writing  and SEO copywriting

How to check keyword position

Google Analytics is the best tool to check any keyword position in google. BTW, there are lots of good tools to check your position on google. they are as follows:

Some Pro Tips


If two or more of your competitors are targeting a certain keyword, then use keywords that are associated with it or pick the long-tailed versions of it.


Simple 5 Steps For Finding Keywords Within 5 Minutes

  1. Google Search: Put variations of searches in Google and capture the suggestions from them in the drop down box
  2. Advanced Search: Look for the ‘suggested search’ terms at the bottom of all of your searches for extra, long-tail keywords
  3. Wikipedia: Search through Wikipedia to find hidden keywords and highlighted anchor text you can use for yourself
  4. Google Correlate: Find the keywords that correlate with your keywords for added, umbrella Keywords
  5. Smoovle: Take the same searches you did at the start – or variations you’ve found after getting more keywords – and see what people are trying to rank for all over the internet. Chances are if they’re ranking there, they’re ranking elsewhere too. Get it details.


Ultimate Keyword Research Guide for Amazon Niche Site

In this guide, Step by Step I have written how to do Keyword Research For Amazon Niche Site. Also, I have a Bangla tutorial, You can see it HERE


Keyword Tracking and ROI

You have to follow following steps for Keyword Tracking and ROI.


Now it’s your time to say something. Everyone has their style and tricks for conducting keyword research. Share your method in the comments or tell me if you have any suggestions to improve the written.

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      • I am glad to hear that it will help you, keep in touch

    1. Nice Post !! But do you have any idea how to link our (clipping service) website along with keywords for getting quality backlink ? and what type of keywords we should use for anchor tag: exact match or something else ?

    2. Thanks! keep in touch

    3. wow… very informative post. thanks for sharing it.

      • I am glad that you found it helpful.

    4. excellent post for a newbie.

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