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What is Google Rankbrain? How Rankbrain is the future of SEO?

Google Rankbrain

If you are conscious about the future of SEO, then you should take Google Rankbrain into consideration from now. In general, Google is giving more priority in Rankbrain, and it has been considered as the third most important factor (1. Quality Content, 2. Natural Backlinks) for ranking on the Google. For this reason, you should adapt and organize the site with the Rankbrain to lead the SEO world in the near future and for ranking your content on the important search engine including Google.

Using the AI (Artificial Intelligence) is not new in the Google Algorithm, but Google is trying to provide the valuable content for the users. With this in mind, Rankbrain will be a major factor for increasing the ranking on Google. For this reason, you need to implement it from now for your personal or clients project for doing well than your competitors. I will discuss in this article what is Rankbrain and why and how will you work with it. At the same time, what is the process of ranking your content considering the Rankbrain Algorithm and why it is the future of SEO?

What is Google Rankbrain?

Rankbrain is the super productive algorithm which tells the SERPs to show the best results of all the quires. In general, Google has used here the Machine Learning Algorithm, especially the Artificial Intelligence (AI). In the previous days, Google uses the Hand Made Code to rank a content, but the present scenario will work with the Artificial Intelligence. Important to realize, the code is written by the engineers, but it can optimize the content with the use of AI. For this reason, here users intention will get the importance to rank a content. In reality, Rankbrain can track the data and user satisfaction with the use of Artificial Intelligence. So, some of the old methods will now work now, and some of the new strategies will get the priority.

Rankbrain is the algorithm for optimizing search results with the combination of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. 

In this case, the below things will be the most effective part of ranking on Google.

  • Quality Content
  • Fresh Backlinks
  • Content-Length (Duration of Stay)
  • Domain Authority
  • and User’s Satisfaction.

That means the backlinks profile or domain authority will not affect the ranking only. Here you will need fresh content and user’s satisfaction to stay on the first page. Take a look at the below video to see the use of AI on Google.

Overview of the Content:

I will discuss here all the aspects of Google Rankbrain. Before going in the description, see the overview of the table of content.

  • How Rankbrain Works?
  • Keyword Research in RankBrain
  • Optimize Titles and Description Tags for CTR
  • How to Optimize Your Content For Bounce Rate & Dwell Time
  • More RankBrain Optimization Strategies
  • FAQ’s About Google Rankbrain

How Rankbrain Works?

Google’s Rankbrain follows the below two things when ranking or optimizing the content and the SERPs.

  1. Understanding Keyword or Search Queries
  2. Knowing How Users are Reacting (Users Interaction)

How Rankbrain Understand Keyword or Search Queries?

In the previous days, Google showed the results of the search queries by knowing the exact match keyword. In this case, Google was unable to show 15% of the queries daily to provide the answer. With this in mind, Google fails to solve millions of quires. Not to mention, daily google performs 1 billion+ searches. For this reason, it was not good at all. In reality, you need the solution to this problem. Here, Rankbrain works very fine.

Rankbrain can understand the similar words or phrases that describe best for the quires. By the same token, it can take users interaction from the showing results. For this reason, it can provide the best results every time. With this in mind, Rankbrain is going to become the most efficient ways of optimizing the SERPs. At the same time, users are quite happy with the results.

In particular, the hand-made code can’t show the similar terms with the search words. Significantly, it misses a lot of queries as unsolved. With attention to, Rankbrain is the blessing for the users, and now most of the quires are performing very well with the use of Artificial Intelligence.

How Rankbrain knows the Users Interaction?

I think this is the most critical question you are looking for the answer when I have said the word User Interaction and Rankbrain. I will explain it clearly. Before that just look for the below infographic to understand the how Rankbrain will know the user satisfaction or interaction.

Image Credit: Backlinko

In general, when users will type the keyword, Google will show the answer according to the quality of the content and backlinks. In the next phase, Rankbrain will track the user interaction on the content. When they are happy with the content, it will outrank, and the content which can’t meet the need of the users and the users will not do any significant engagement, it will drop the rank. In the second phase, it will bring other content from the next page and it will show the user and if they do well, it will rank, otherwise, it will drop as well. At the same process, the content will rank or drop in the SERPs.

Now you can ask how Google Rankbrain will measure the user interaction or satisfaction. They will consider the below things.

  1. Organic Click Through Rate
  2. Dwell Time (Time Spent on the content)
  3. Bounce Rate (Visiting only single page)
  4. Pogo-sticking (Visiting a page, but quitting too quickly and entering another website)

Here, Organic Click Through Rate on the search engine is calculated the amount of the click on the content from the search engine also the user’s attitude with your content. At the same time, Dwell Time define how much time the users are spending the time on the content. On the other hand, Bounce Rate has defined if the users are interested in entering any of the related content on your website. At last, Pogo-Sticking is the things which will know how a visitor visits the page and quitting time and where they are entering again for the answer.

I think you have realized the matter of Rankbrain, users satisfaction level and how it measures the interaction.

Keyword Research in RankBrain:

As Rankbrain is now impacting on the ranking of the page, you should know what is the actual keyword research formula? In general, the value of keyword targetting the similar terms with the different pages is decreasing daily because the Rankbrain algorithm can understand the related words of the search quires. For this reason, in the previous days, you can optimize the same topics with different keywords terms, but nowadays it will be dead. So, what will you do considering the future?

Ignore Long Tail Keywords:

The long tail keyword will not work anymore like before. So, you should skip it now. If you target keywords with the best SEO tools, it will be count as SEO Tools, SEO Tools for Keyword Research. So, you do not need to make the pages for every keyword with the similar terms. Rankbrain can understand they are all the same terms. For this reason, if you search on Google with the same terms with different words, it will show the nearly same results. So what will you do to rank a page? See the next options.

Optimize with Medium Tail Keywords…

As long tail keywords will no longer work at present, so you should implement the different strategy. Here, Medium tails keyword work very well. What is it?

If your target is ranking the SEO tools, then you can fix it with best SEO tools, instead of ‘Best SEO Tools For Keyword Research’ or long anything. If you use the keyword phrase sometimes among the content, Google will understand the terms. For this reason, you need to work with one page and include all the similar terms here. Surely, you will get the same value.

I think you have realized, Google Rankbrain wants to show the quality content and does not want to frustrate the users anymore. At the same time, it will increase the user’s interaction with quality and resourceful sites.

Keyword Research and On-Page SEO in a RankBrain

So, how will you do Keyword Research or On-Page SEO according to the Rankbrain Algorithm? Very easy. You do not need to target a keyword, just write the content what will user like and then optimize it with other things like Meta Description, internal linking. It will be OK when it comes to on-page SEO.

At the same time, for Keyword Research try to skip long tail keywords and find out the keywords from the crowd and do not try to repeat with the similar terms or queries. That means it is more comfortable than before but will need quality content and longtime planning.

How to Optimize Titles and Description Tags for CTR

In the Rankbrain Algorithm, getting Organic CTR is the best way to rank an article or page. For this reason, you need to work here to compete with others. At the same time, it will increase boost of the page on the search engine. To improve the organic CTR, you need to follow the below steps. It will give you permanent ranking on the first page.

1. Create Emotional Titles Tag

It really works. When you want to increase the CTR, you have to play with the emotion of the user to enter the content. If you make the traditional headlines with the keywords only, it will not attract the visitors. For this reason, you need to create the Emotional words on the titles with the keywords.

You can ask now how I will create it? It will depend on your creativity. For generating good titles, you need to use numbers in the titles. On the other hand, you should add Eye-Catching words as well. It will make the titles emotional. To know more check the below points.

2. Add Eye-Catching words in the titles on Brackets or simply

When you add attractive words in the titles, it will inspire the user to click on the page. So, it is not a ranking factor actually, but it helps to improve CTR. Ultimately, you will get the ranking according to the Rankbrain Algorithm. See the example of some Eye-Catching Words which you can use in the headlines.

  • Ultimate Guideline
  • The Complete Guideline
  • Get Permanent solution
  • That Actually Works
  • Proven Tips
  • Real-Time Case Study

Your work is driving the traffic with your words. It can vary from niche to niche. Use your creativity to add the words to the Brackets.

3. Use Numbers on the Titles

Adding the numbers on the titles works very fine to get organic CTR. It tells the users how many ways you have shown, and it inspires them to see the tips. So, use the numbers on the titles for increasing the CTR. For example, 6 ways, 10 proven tips, 5 methods that work, and like that.

4. Don’t forget to increase CTR with Optimization

Click Through Rate (CTR) is essential for improving the SERPs. For this reason, increasing the CTR will work for your every post.

  • Make the titles emotional: I have discussed it later. So, use the words or numbers which will increase the CTR and inspire the user to click. Another key point, people love the emotional things than the real. So, it is a good point.
  • Which words inspire you to click: Add the power words in the Titles and Description to improve the ranking and Click Through Rate.
  • Follow Paid Advertising Words: When you are working with keywords, you will see the ads, and it is well-optimized by the professional in the niche. So, check the words which they have added and use some of them in your titles or meta descriptions.
  • Use Target Keywords: Don’t forget to use the keywords and the similar terms of the titles and Meta descriptions. It makes Google Bold when users use the terms. So it is efficient to attract the readers. They will realize the content is the same thing they are looking for.

Optimize Your Content For Bounce Rate & Dwell Time

Yes! Dwell Time matters in the Google Rankbrain Algorithm. For work to improve Dwell time on the content. At the same time, reduce Bounce Rate by optimizing the content. I will show you how you can do it.

How will you take care of Dwell Time?

Dwell Time will be one of the most important factors for ranking your content when Google Rankbrain will count the ranking signals. So, what is Dwell Time? It is the amount of time a Google Searcher come to our site and the time they spent. No doubt, the longer the searchers will stay in your content, it will get the higher ranking. It will tell the algorithm; peoples love the content and overall discussion.

On the other hand, when a searcher will drop within seconds, it will impact on the ranking. Google does not get more priority on Off-page SEO, but it is true it will count the signal for ranking the content. A Google Employee ensures the matter when comes the discussion of Artificial Intelligence. Researchers show that the recent updates of Google are affecting the ranking signals on Dwell time.


How to reduce Bounce Rate of your content?

In general, Bounce Rate is the signal when the visitors are leaving the page without clicking on your page or showing any other page on the website. When the bounce rate increases, the ranking falls very quickly on the search engine. So, it is the duty to reduce the bounce rate of your content.

So, How can you reduce the bounce rate and increase the Dwell Time? Let’s see some amazing ways. 

Method 1: Give Short Answer First

A visitor does not come to your content to justify the quality; they want the answer to their question. So, to keep them engaged, give the short answer on the first paragraph of the question and use some words to inspire them to know the ways deeply. You can catch the attention of the users in this way. At the same time, it is useful to increase the engagement.

Method 2: Use short intros

Using the short and eye-catching introduction of the content is very important. As you want to attract their attention, it can help you. It helps to stay on the content. Try to add the short answer here and add the powerful word to help them keep reading.

Method 3: Publish Lengthy Content

Content is the best way to keep the readers engaged and entertained. So, the most efficient way to reduce bounce rate and increasing Dwell Time is writing lengthy and resourceful content. The time of 500-1000 words has been finished. Now you need to write the content up to 2000 words. Though depending on the niche it can vary, but it is good practice to keep them as much longer time as you can. It will help the visitors to think your business as the brand. At the same time, they will come back, again and again, to get the tips from you.

Method 4: Use Subheading and right On-page SEO

When you are writing the lengthy content, you need to optimize it accurately. For example, use sufficient subheading to describe the content. At the same time, use bold and italic words and sentence to make the content attractive. Overall, keep the keywords in the first and last paragraph. By the same token, use bullet points and list among the content.

More RankBrain Optimization Strategies

Without the above ways, you need to work in some cases, which is necessary to do well in the Rankbrain Algorithm. At the same time, it will help you to stay alive in the digital marketing world. With the quality content, backlinks and increasing CTR, you need to follow it also.

1) Increase Brand Value

Brand Value is the untold ranking factor of Google. It gets the popularity among the visitors. When you get the brand, your Organic CTR will increase automatically. So, the first step for bonus Rankbrain optimization tips, increase the Brand Awareness. When you are searching any terms on Google, you will also see if you get any previous sites which seemed a brand, you will read the content. For this reason, I say in the digital marketing tips, Brand Value is the unexpressed ranking factor.

2) Promote the Content

Content Marketing is the biggest factors for generating targetted leads. In the future, Digital Marketing will depend entirely on Content Promotion. For this reason, you can promote the content on the social media including Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. On the other hand, you can try PPC (Pay Per Click) which is Text Based. That means you need to try probable reasons for content promotion for keeping the balance on ranking the page.

3) Start Email Marketing

Email Marketing is always right ways in the promotion of the content. You can spread the content with email marketing. If you are doing outreach of your blog or content, then Email Marketing also works. You can drive the massive amount of traffic with Email Marketing. For this reason, it is a good practice which you can do for the lifetime. At the same time, you should collect the email address with popup plugins or free download.

4) Use LSI Keywords among the content

LSI which is the short form of Latent Semantic Indexing is a mathematical term. It defines the similar terms of the word. You can use LSI to increase the use of keywords among the content. Google Rankbrain can understand the similar terms of the keywords. So, it can surely improve the ranking. On the other hand, you are increasing the keywords. When you will use the same keywords into the content more time, it can cause the Keywords Stuffing. But if you add the LSI keywords here, surely it will add value, but you will not get any issues for using excessive keywords.

5) Follow Google Analytics to boost the content

It is very old but evergreen ways to increase the CTR or getting massive traffic with the same content. If you check the Google Web Master or Analytics, you will get insights of the traffic. You can discover which content is getting the traffic and which one can increase the ranking if you update with more information. You can improve the content and can add more keywords to boost the content. It can surely make your content more updated, and you can get more traffic.

6) No Extra Page for similar types of terms

The Long Tail Keywords will not work anymore. At the same time, the tactics of using similar keywords with the different are dead now. For this reason, you have to forget it. On the other hand, you should increase the content length and quality backlinks to impact the SERPs. Don’t forget the user’s engagement.

Sources: Google Webmaster Blog, Backlinko, Quick Sprout, MOZ, Search Engine Land. 

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    Now It’s Your Turn (Zeros to Heros)

    Finally, I am at the finishing point. I have worked a lot to collect the information. As the future of SEO is changing ridiculously, it was necessary to make a complete guideline on SEO. Important to realize, if you can follow the above tips, surely you can lead the SEO in the upcoming days. At the same time, you need to optimize the content considering the Google Rankbrain. If you get the article helpful share it on your favorite social media. At the same time. If needs any further assistance, you can make a comment from the below section. Thanks in Advance. 🙂

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